We are delighted to announce the launch of our new module for business schools ‘Responsible Business & the New Stakeholder Economy’. This course is designed to enable business school teaching to make the necessary transition towards the Total Stakeholder Value economy.
It delivers new insights, perspectives and actionable steps by which organisations can generate the very best outcomes in human, environmental and financial terms. Our groundbreaking module provides a foundational programme in whole system management and the measurement of Total Stakeholder Value. It provides the necessary glue for multi-disciplinary approaches, unifying the disciplines of business strategy, finance, accounting, leadership, sustainability and human management systems analysis.
This course can be completed as an MBA option, elective, or as part of a masters programme. It can also be completed as a standalone module to complement and enhance existing MBA qualifications and other management development programmes. It is constructed from MI’s core text – ‘The Mature Corporation – A Model of Responsible Capitalism’ and the work of MI in practice across corporate, investment, and regulatory environments.
This course offers participants:
- An over-arching purpose and definition of value for focusing all leadership and management effort
- A whole system management (WSM) approach that integrates all management disciplines
- A continuous, virtuous cycle of improvements in Total Stakeholder Value and long-term, shareholder returns
- A simple methodology for improving an organisation’s value; both intrinsic and market capitalisation.
- Future proofed, personal leadership and management development opportunities
- Attainment of a deeper understanding of systems at a global and organizational level
- A diagnostic for organizational health based on integrating organizational and human system analysis
- The ability to measure and report on the value of organizational intangibles such as governance, culture and human capital
- Incorporation of all CSR and ESG considerations into business strategy, to ensure an organization can operate in a truly responsible manner and realise all potential value opportunities
The course also provides an immediate and quick route to Affiliate membership of the Maturity Institute (AMI designation) with further opportunities to progress to full, professional accreditation.
If you would more information, please follow this link to our course brochure and contact Paul.Kearns@maturityinstitute.com
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